Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually’ invisible plastic that you simply wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You simply pop in a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete and you achieve the confident smile that you’ve always wanted. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth.
Content provided by and copyright to Invisalign®
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Under Armour
Under Armour® Performance Enhancing Sports Guard. The Under Armour® (UA) Performance Mouthguard offers superior protection in addition to performance benefits! Whether you perform in contact sports like football, hockey, and lacrosse… or compete in endurance-draining sports like running, soccer, baseball or golf… This sportsguard is for you!
Whether you’re in competition or just training, the UA Performance Mouthware helps your body perform better. The UA ArmourBite™ Technology prevents your teeth from clenching and pivots your jaw forward to relieve pressure on your TMJ (temperomandibular joint). As a result, you body produces less negative (performance-degrading) compounds like cortisol and lactate during your activity. The UA sportsguard has been shown to increase strength performance by 17%, reduce lactic acid build up by 25% , improve airway flow during exertion, speed up reaction time, and improve endurance for athletes under intense exercise.
The UA Performance Mouthwear is backed by multiple studies, peer-reviewed journals and many professional athletes, pro trainers, strength coaches and wellness experts. Contact us to learn more and find out which UnderArmour Mouthguard is right for you!
Content provided by and copyright to Under Armour®
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Adjunctive Services
A crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface restoring it to its original shape and size. A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure that cannot be restored with fillings or other types of restorations.
Although there are several types of crowns, porcelain (tooth-coloured) are the most popular. They are highly durable and will last many years, but like most dental restorations, they will eventually need to be replaced. Porcelain crowns are made to match the shape, size, and colour of your teeth giving you a natural, long-lasting beautiful smile.
Reasons for crowns:
- Broken or fractured tooth
- Cosmetic enhancement
- Decayed teeth
- Fractured fillings
- Large fillings
- Tooth has a root canal
Inlays & Onlays
Inlays, onlays and crowns are called indirect restorations, because the restoration is fabricated outside of the mouth, instead of being built in layers directly into the teeth like a filling. The dentist takes impressions of the teeth, then the restoration is shaped to match the part of the tooth it will replace. The restoration is attached with dental cement.
An indirect restoration is an inlay if it covers part of a tooth, without extending to a cusp (pointed tip of tooth). It is an onlay if it extends to replace a tooth’s cusp. And if it complete covers the top surface of the tooth, it is called a crown or cap.
Inlays, onlays and crowns are more effective than fillings in reinforcing teeth to withstand biting forces, and more resistant to further decay. If a tooth’s original structure is too compromised to support a filling, these indirect restorations can provide fantastic, long-lasting, beautiful results.
A fixed bridge is a dental restoration to that is fixed to surrounding teeth. The bridge fills (bridges) the gap left by the missing teeth, preventing the surrounding teeth from moving into the gap and becoming misaligned.
A fixed bridge is a less invasive treatment than a dental implant. In cases where the surrounding teeth are strong enough to support the bridge, it is an excellent solution to maintain alignment and create a beautiful smile. Your dentist can craft a bridge that perfectly matches the color of the surrounding teeth, shaped to enhance your smile even more than the teeth it replaces.
Porcelain veneers are thin layers of porcelain fixed onto teeth to enhance appearance, and in some cases, to protect the teeth. Veneers allow many patients to achieve a dramatic smile makeover without highly invasive treatments. The results are also durable, lasting 10-30 years.
Veneers typically require 2-3 appointments. The first is a consultation to determine the desired look, and plan the shape of the veneers to achieve it.
During the second visit, the tooth surfaces will be prepared, by removing a very thin layer of enamel, and taking impressions of the teeth. Using these impressions, veneers are fabricated to fit onto the surfaces, either on-site, or at a lab facility.
On the third visit, the dentist will apply a cleaning solution to prepare the tooth surfaces for bonding, and the permanent veneers will be cemented.
A denture is a removable dental appliance replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. It is made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may enhance your smile.
There are two types of dentures:
A complete denture is used when all of the teeth are missing. We do not do these types of dentures in our clinic.
A partial denture is used when some natural teeth remain. It not only fills in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from shifting. We always attempt to save your natural teeth.
Dentures are very durable appliances and will last many years, but may have to be remade, repaired, or readjusted due to normal wear.
Reasons for dentures:
- Complete denture – Loss of all teeth in an arch
- Partial denture – Loss of several teeth in an arch
- Enhancing smile and facial tissues
- Improving chewing, speech, and digestion
Night Guards
A properly made night guard is custom designed to your mouth. It is made of heat cured plastic which is biologically compatible and is shaped so as to allow the teeth to meet evenly and the muscles which position your jaw to be in harmony with your teeth. This allows the muscles to relax and minimize the forces which can damage your teeth and jaw joints. People report sleeping better and having fewer headaches.