The Occlusal Rehabilitation Centre is committed to demonstrating our respect for your privacy and the protection of your information.
Why have you received an email from us or one of our sister clinics?
If you have received an email from ORC, Ilaaj Clinic, Yaletown Laser Centre and/or Yaletown Laser & Cosmetic Dentistry (Yaletown Dental), (1) your email address is either listed with one of these companies as someone
who has expressed an interest in receiving our email notices, newsletters and specials, or (2) you are a patient or someone who has purchased from us or otherwise has an existing relationship with one of these companies.
We respect your time by controlling the frequency of our mailouts. We hope that you enjoy the information we have to share but if at any point you receive an email in error from the wrong clinic or no longer wish to receive
such emails, please contact us and we will be happy to remove your address.
Usage and Sharing
We will never share or sell your personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this
information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to contracted or referred service providers for purposes of providing services or treatment relating to our
relationship or communications with you.
How you can opt-out of receiving email from us?
Each automated email you will receive contains a statement at the bottom of the communication asking you to simply hit reply and type remove in the subject field. As soon as your request is received by our office, your
personal information will be removed from our email database. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any email.
If you have received unwanted, unsolicited email sent with the name of one of our companies or purporting to be sent from the same, please forward a copy of that email with your comments to
for review.
How we protect your privacy
We use security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of data used by our company.
This policy was updated on September 1, 2010.