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What treatment is available for TMD?

However, TMD can involve more serious and chronic problems affecting the jaw’s muscles and ligaments; this can lead to chronic jaw pain due to the misalignment. TMJ can lead to permanent joint damage; bone-on-bone contact or abnormal movement of the joint can cause abnormal wear to the bones and surrounding structures can be damaged or even pinched in the irregular joint. Therefore, proper diagnosis is essential when problems like jaw clicking arise, from this, appropriate treatment for your situation can be determined.

Treatment can be simple: with rest, avoiding chewing gum, limiting speaking and eating soft foods allowing the muscles to rest, thereby promoting healing. Or if more involved, working with physical therapists, ultra sound, low level laser therapy, neuromuscular massage therapy, and trigger point injection treatment can also be very helpful. As the condition deteriorates, bite splints or fixed orthotics may be required along with orthodontics or dental restorations to harmonize your bite.

The open locked jaw is treated by relaxing the jaw muscles to a comfortable level. Then the mandible is held with the thumbs while the lower jaw is pushed downward, forward, and backward.

The closed locked jaw is treated by freezing you until you are completely relaxed. Then the mandible is gently manipulated until the mouth opens. Then holding the jaw in the right place with a dental splint.

Posted in: TMD